The day ahead

Yep, a conference schedule

  1. 8:30am


    Collect your badge and conference bag, enjoy a chat and a coffee

  2. 9:15am


    Kirsty and Zach welcome you to the fifth Shropgeek (R)Evolution

  3. 9:25am

    Rachel Andrew

    We're not "Doing a Startup"

    You would love to launch your own product but you have a nice life, a family, a mortgage and don’t want to buy into putting it all on the line chasing some startup dream. This presentation is about the practical steps developers and designers can take to get from idea to launch with a bootstrapped side project – no sleeping in the office required.

  4. 10:10am

    Andy Yates

    What to do when you get hacked?

    Last October the team at Buffer discovered they had been hacked & were posting spam on their users behalf, including 30,000+ Facebook accounts. Andy will walk through what happened that weekend, detailing what we did right & wrong and some steps to take if you ever face a hack.

  5. 10:50pm


    A short message from Heart Internet.

  6. 10:55pm


    Drinks and refreshment

  7. 11:25am

    Amy Thibodeau

    Designing with words: The role of content strategy in product development

    We’ll focus on the often neglected words that help shape your user experience and discuss how to approach interface content as a design practice. The goal? To help you build better experiences that warm the cockles of your users' hearts while encouraging them to tap, click and stay engaged.

  8. 12:10pm

    Dan Goodwin

    The UX of Things

    Most have us have accepted that we don't just work with isolated bits of code, software and interfaces any more. Things like product packaging, marketing copy for app stores, physical products that interface with apps, or tone of voice guidelines for people who answer the phone are all part of user experience and they all matter a lot. For those of us who used to just sketch, design and build interfaces for sites and apps and but who now might end up working, for example, on something which affects people's comfort or safety it can (and should) feel like quite a responsibility.

    Dan will talk through some real world things that have happened, some things that have gone wrong and ponder about how we can try to do things better. He won't have all the answers (probably not any of them in fact) but hopefully you'll be better prepared to face some of these responsibilities and help others you're working with face them too.

    Also, just so you're well prepared, he will specifically say "Internet of Things" at some point.

  9. 12:50pm


    A short message from PebblePad.

  10. 12:55pm


    Sandwiches and refreshments

  11. 1:50pm

    Dan Donald

    Designing Evolution

    We've worked with responsive design for a few years and explored what we can do with the flexibility it provides but what happens when we start to explore 'element queries'?

    When modules within a site can look at both the browser and it's parent element to make layout choices, that opens up a new level of curiosity and complexity. There's many ways of making this work now but is this something we want and can we see browsers implementing it?.

  12. 2:35pm

    Andy Davies

    HTTP/2 - What it’s all about then?

    We’re used to an ever changing web, browsers evolve to include new HTML elements, new CSS properties and new APIs, but HTTP, the way our pages get from the server to our visitor’s browser hasn’t changed much since it was created in the 1990’s. That is until now - one of the IETF groups has been working on an update to HTTP and it’s due to be submitted as a proposed standard soon.

    In this session Andy will cover some of the drawbacks of HTTP/1.1, how HTTP/2 is different to it’s predecessors and what it means for us as developers and site operators - is it just for large sites or can smaller sites benefit too?

  13. 3:15pm


    A short message from Zengenti.

  14. 3:20pm


    Drinks and refreshment

  15. 3:50pm

    Sébastien Cevey

    Building content management tools for the modern web

    As the Guardian adopted modern web approaches such as responsive web design and progressive enhancements, our content model evolved into a highly structured representation. In a new world where our content appears on a multitude of devices, editors don't control the presentation anymore, but instead they inform it through the metadata they provide: extra assets, semantic metadata about embedded media, custom hints for layout, etc.

    The talk describes the challenges we faced building Composer, the new web-based content creation tool for our digital newsroom, and aims to inspire developers to rethink the flexibility and richness of their content models for the modern web, as well as to challenge UX architects to think and design content management tools under these new constraints.

  16. 4:35pm

    Paul Boag

    Digital Adaptation: Time to Untie Your Hands

    Do you feel like you are doing your job with one hand tied behind your back? Are you frustrated by company practices that are horribly antiquated and inappropriate for the digital world? Does your boss or client fail to understand the unique characteristics of the web? If so, you are not alone. The majority of traditional businesses are struggling to adapt to the digital economy and need your help even if they don't realize it.

    In his talk, Paul explains why this is, and what we (as the web community) can do about it. He highlights that to build a great website, we have to be the catalyst for organizational change and recommends ways to start make it happening.

    Things you will learn include

    • Why so many organisations are failing to adapt
    • Why it falls to you to instigate the change in company culture
    • Practical ways of instigating change
    • Why your primary job isn't to build websites, despite what your boss or client might think
  17. 5:20pm


    Kirsty and Zach wrap up the day